Launching in February 2025…
The Nest
An Online Writing Community for Self-Identified Women and Individuals on the Female Spectrum
Led by literary mentor Kate Moses & spiritual counselor Magalí Morales
Enrollment for The Nest’s Winter/Spring 2025 Session is now CLOSED.
We are still taking applications for the Fall 2025 Session.
Just as the delicate intricacy of a bird’s nest provides a durable architecture for growth, The Nest offers a varied, robust structure of accessible online support within which your stories can be nurtured and find their wings. The Nest is a safe home for you to incubate your vision as a writer.
Over 15 weeks, The Nest members will receive online group teaching and practice in literary craft, share their work with each other and the facilitators, have one-on-one access to literary mentor Kate, and receive ongoing group emotional support as creative practitioners with spiritual counselor Magalí.
The Nest includes:
Literary Craft Classes led by Kate, utilizing 40 years of professional editorial & teaching expertise
Group Mentorship and Individual Office Hours with Kate
Emotional Support Group led by Magalí, with 20 years’ experience in trauma & spiritual healing
Facilitated Generative Write-Ins
Group Readings
Private Community Discussion Group
The Nest Schedule:
The Nest 2025 will offer two, 15-week sessions.
Winter/Spring: February 25 - June 12 (no class April 29 to May 1)
Fall: September 2 - December 8 (no class Thanksgiving Week)
Each session will have room for two cohorts of up to 8 participants. Cohort 1 will meet on Tuesdays, 8 - 9:30pm Eastern Time/5 - 6:30pm Pacific Time. Cohort 2 will meet on Thursdays, 12 - 1:30pm Eastern Time/9 - 10:30am Pacific Time.
Each session of The Nest will include:
6 Literary Craft Classes
3 Group Mentorship Sessions
3 Emotional Support Groups
1 Office Hour with Kate, and 20% member’s discount on additional office hours
6 Generative Write-Ins
3 Group Readings
Ongoing Private Community Discussion Group
Membership Fees:
Each Full, 15-week Session Membership: $1750.00 (includes all of the above)
The Fledgling 15-week Membership Option: $600 (The Fledgling includes 6 Literary Craft Classes, 6 Generative Write-Ins, and 20% member discount on Office Hours with Kate)
Office Hours at 20% Discount: $120, including 10 pages to discuss
And answers to your questions...
The Nest is an online home for women writers, making it possible for more of you to benefit from the mentorship of a seasoned peer who cares about the story you have to tell and your growth as a writer as much as you do, and has the professional expertise and experience to help you become the writer you want to be.
Eight years ago, Kate Moses – internationally acclaimed novelist, bestselling memoirist, cofounder of Salon’s Mothers Who Think, award-winning editor, beloved teacher – decided to dedicate herself exclusively to the development of other women writers and their work. As a lifelong feminist, a voracious reader who trained on the job as a literary editor, a much-published storyteller who’d established herself without an MFA, a teacher who’d never read a literary craft text until she faced a classroom of students, Kate wanted to “pay it forward,” sharing what she had learned about writing with other women writers. Through Birds & Muses Kate has worked with hundreds of women writers individually and in small groups, and can attest that to tell a woman’s story is to change lives – the storyteller’s, and those who hear her tell it.
Kate’s unique ways of mentorship and literary teaching aren’t typical, and they take time, nurturance, and mutual commitment. Committing yourself to this kind of writing is like agreeing to walk around with your heart in your hands, so a scaffolding that invites creative risk and supports vulnerability is essential. The program structure and online membership of The Nest will take advantage of the energy, validation, and sense of belonging that’s consistently inspiring and productive in Kate’s mentoring of small groups, while allowing for more writers to participate – and have one-on-one time with Kate as well.
If you identify as a woman writer in some foundational way,
If you are striving to make art with your writing,
If you take your writing seriously, whether or not you have a specified project or an
MFA or are published, and are willing to develop your “core muscles” as a writer – willing to put in the time, leaps of faith, questioning of assumptions, and self-assessment that growing artistically requires,
If you long for a like-minded community of writers as generous of spirit and conscientious with their attention as you are,
If you believe that women’s stories are both more essential and more imperiled than ever,
The Nest is intended for you.
While The Nest has no requirements for previous publication or advanced literary education, or even a specified “project” you’re working on, it is intended to be a challenging program for literary artists who are striving for advanced creative development and discovery in narrative-based literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and hybrid works, in community with other writers who share that aim. For this reason, The Nest is not best suited for beginning writers, or writers who are working in primarily formula-based genres such as romance, fantasy, mystery, YA, science fiction, guidebooks, or self-help. If you wonder if you and your work would benefit from The Nest, please do get in touch with Kate at
Magalí Morales, MSW, is a Latina writer, counselor, and healer. Trained by the best trauma theorists of our time, she has spent the past 20 years integrating the ancient methods of astrology and shamanism with cutting-edge trauma healing techniques, yielding excellent results for her clients. She works with individuals, couples, families and groups with a somatic, experiential, and process-oriented method. Magalí is Certified by the Organization for Professional Astrology, where she also serves as Vice- President of the Board, Ethics Chair, and Consulting Skills faculty. She has done significant work in the realm of dismantling oppression, and is an activist at theintersection of social and climate justice. Magalí offers healing and astrological services in English and Spanish at
Kate Moses is best known for her acclaimed novel Wintering, published in 17 languages, her memoir Cakewalk, and her tenure as a founding editor of Salon’s Mothers Who Think and coeditor of the bestselling anthologies Mothers Who Think and Because I Said So. Kate and her books have received numerous international prizes and awards, including an American Book Award, the Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize, a Prix des Lectrices de Elle, a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selection, Poets & Writers Debut Fiction selection, and a Lannan Literary Fellowship. Her four decades of experience in book, magazine, and online publishing, nonprofit arts administration, community organizing for women artists, and advanced-level teaching of writing began at North Point Press, where she was the senior acquiring & developmental editor at age 25. Among the writers Kate has worked with as an editor are Gina Berriault, Evan S. Connell, M. F. K. Fisher, Anne Lamott, Denis Johnson, Carole Maso, Peter Matthiessen, Jayne Anne Phillips, James Salter, and Ayelet Waldman. Works under Kate’s editorship have won the James Beard Award, the Narrative Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award,the PEN Faulkner Award, and the Pushcart Prize, among many others. Kate established Birds & Muses in 2017 to share her expertise with aspiring women-identified writers through ongoing, one-on-one mentorship and hands-on, collaborative editorial guidance.
Six 90-minute Craft Classes over 15 weeks will cover both fundamental principles of literary narrative craft and process – the vital importance of emotional investment and expression, how readers read, how images and tension work in stories, how your subconscious expresses your questions -- and advanced topics such as how to approach revision, punctuation as an art form, layering of levels of story, revealing versus telling, and finding your story’s meaning, among many other possibilities. Kate will shape the topics of her classes to the needs of the member writers and their writing projects.
Nest Members will have live access each week to one Craft Class during their cohort’s schedule, and recorded access to all six of the Craft Classes during each 15-week session.
Mentorship is different than simply being a teacher of craft or an editor of a writer’s work. Mentorship is an ongoing mutual investment in not just a particular writing project, but in a writer’s artistic growth and capacity for achieving their literary goals throughout their life. Mentorship is holistic, looking at what a writer’s put on the page and also why, and what’s not there, and what is at stake for the writer, not just the characters they create. A literary mentor offers her years of training and expertise to be your creative thought partner, a midwife and coparent to your writing, the person who knows your work and your vision and your heart as well as you do – and sometimes even more deeply. Working toward that artistic depth, encouraging and guiding you to take that risk and standing beside you as you do, is the hallmark of true mentorship.
As a Mentor, Kate is known for her deep and expansive attention, and her curiosity – about what you’re writing, and why. She leads with questions and observations, often about things the writer doesn’t realize is there, but that the subconscious knows has a place in the story. Her instincts about the craft of storytelling are both visceral and honed by a practiced study of how literary writing works on the page and in the minds of readers. Nurturing and generous, she will guide you toward writing beyond what you think is your limitation.
For The Nest, Mentorship will take shape in two ways: as 90-minute group discussions (once every 5 weeks of the 15-week program) in which members can bring up their questions and concerns regarding their writing practice, their project and goals, and what Kate calls “the business of being a writer”: how we move from the private space of our imaginations and our desks to being a writer in the world. Also, each member will have 1 Office Hour to schedule with Kate included in the program, and a membership discount for additional Office Hours. Office Hours with Kate are a time to talk one on one about your own writing, your goals and your challenges, and to receive Kate’s input for moving forward.
The Emotional Support Group is a nonjudgmental space for exploring the challenges and joys of being a woman writer in the world. It is for witnessing each other, being listened to deeply as we examine and consider our experiences, our gifts, our obstacles, our victories.
We’ve included the Emotional Support Group in The Nest to help writers build resilience to sustain their practice, and to provide some of the most important elements essential to thriving and healing: the space to grieve and the opportunity to tell a new empowered story about our creative and personal lives.
We won’t give advice because we trust each person’s wisdom to decide for herself. We won’t rescue each other because we know each writer is powerful. We will simply give each other the gift of radical witnessing as unconditionally supportive creative allies.
Most of us start writing to understand and assimilate our experiences. To be alive is to be touched by loss, cruelty, abandonment and a thousand forms of violence. We weave our stories with the complicated threads of our moments in time. How do we untangle them and select the most beautiful, the most resonant, the most compelling to interlace into stories that will move our readers and change the world?
Building something meaningful out of our raw materials is tantamount to extracting pain and loss and rage and sorrow from our very cells and alchemically transforming it into the lifeblood of art. To do so frees us and allows us to do our best work.
Our stories are more important than ever, in this time when patriarchal capitalism is destroying the natural world, misogyny and fascism and bigotry are rampant, and there is so much to fight for—and to gain.
Facilitated by Kate and Magalí, the Generative Write-Ins are included in The Nest to help members keep their core writing muscles strong! Writing in community is a means to create accountability, maintain momentum, and refresh inspiration and imaginative problem-solving. Every time a musician picks up her violin or jams with a group of friends is not a concert – and every time we write is not necessarily pages for your project. Those practices (what we’re calling Generative Write-Ins) are playful, curiosity-inducing improvisations that can open up your imagination to new ways of seeing even a long-standing writing project. We will start each Write-In with a provocative prompt to get you going, and we’ll end with a question to help you carry what you’ve done toward your ultimate goals.
There will be 6 Generative Write-Ins each 15-week session, and all Members are invited to attend as many as they like.
Reading to each other is one of the most foundational, beloved aspects of all Birds & Muses group events. Free of the obligations and stress of traditional workshop sharing, our Group Readings carry forward all the joy of being read to for the listeners, alongside the gift of attention and curiosity the writer receives from her audience.
All members in a cohort will have an opportunity to read at each of the 3 Group Reading per 15-week session.
As feminists we object to Meta’s policies to eliminate factchecking and suppress information for women’s reproductive health. However, Facebook is a public forum that most people are familiar with using. Until we have identified an easy to use, accessible alternative, we will start our private Community Discussion Group on Facebook.
The Nest is intentionally and decidedly not a workshop, which has become the foundational method of literary education despite its well-recognized potential to shut down creativity during a writer’s most vulnerable moment – when her work and her practice is in the process of becoming. As writer Michael Martone illuminated in a 2012 essay in Triquarterly, the modern literary workshop is largely a product of the GI Bill following World War II, finding its way into academia along with returning veterans who had stories to tell – and training, under fire, in tactical military goals (ie, winning battles, and doing what you have to do to survive). “The traditional workshop is designed for attack, with a clear objective to produce not just writing but ‘great’ writing,” Martone wrote. “This tactical approach creates a classroom that places the work under fire . . . my point is that the drama of combat was written into the DNA of the form.” A workshop, then, has winners and losers, and “the environment is hostile by definition.” The traditional writers workshop is also, we would add, an expression of the patriarchal waters we all swim in.
The Nest, and all work with writers through Birds & Muses, is based on a far more right-brained, feminist model: cooperative, inquisitive, holistic, nurturing, intuitive, collegial, imagistic, and concrete. When writers share their work, they will be invited to share their intentions and their challenges, and listeners will be asked to respond with their emotions, questions, and observations, not just to craft but also to content (which is typically avoided in academic settings).
What it’s like to work with Kate:
“When I had the initial consultation with Kate about the first pages of my novel, I discovered nobody had ever before given me as close and careful a reading as she could.
She brought to the discussion a gentle but persistent curiosity. Why did I care so much about this story? What drove me to write it and share it with the world?
Now I understand that she was trying to get her finger on the pulse of the story, its very heartbeat. She was searching for the connection between what I care about the most and my writing, whether I was using the very white hot center of myself to write the story.
Kate knows the journey from seed to first draft to later drafts all the way to the last polished piece is full of discovery. She has lived the literary creative process from every chair in the writing and publishing world—writer, editor, publisher, anthologist, mentor, instructor.
She knows exactly which exercises to give me to remove obstacles and get to the essence, and her rainbow of skills covers everything from the broadest theme, story structure, pacing, intimacy with characters, to the minutiae of word choice and punctuation.
Kate is an artist and helps writers make true art.” --Magalí Morales
“Kate Moses helped me resurrect the novel I had been writing for years but had lost faith in. From the first meeting of our cohort, her inside-out, spiritual approach restored my original fervent desire to tell a particular story about particular characters.
Kate’s gifts are many – penetrating interpretation, gifted attention to the words on the page, an almost magical grasp of connections and themes, to name a few. She also brings to her work a feminist understanding of women’s history and an intellectual grasp of the world’s great literature. Her concentration on you, the writer, is brilliant and focused. Working with Kate was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.” --Ann Mullen, Saranac Lake, NY
“Being part of the cohort of women writers Kate Moses brought together was a truly nourishing experience. Kate is not only a generous and insightful editor herself, she also set the tone for the supportive and collaborative community we quickly became. Kate offered in-depth sessions about the practice of writing, and writers received generous feedback at our nightly readings. Getting to know the other women and their varied and fascinating work was such a pleasure!” --Lucy Todd Marx, Jamaica Plain, MA
“Wow to the Birds & Muses retreat. Guided by the brilliant and endlessly creative Kate Moses, we built a supportive (and fun) community—enabling each of us to dig deep, take risks, and develop our writing. The depth of Kate’s literary expertise is matched by the generosity of her spirit and the attention she pays to each writer she works with.
Writing is, by nature, a solitary activity—yet, like many writers, I do my best work in community. Intensive, facilitated retreats like this one meet a deep need in our field—providing writers with creative mentorship and companionship. While together, I benefited from Kate’s craft lessons; listening and responding to others’s work; receiving feedback on my writing from others; a stellar one-on-one consultation with Kate (focused on an excerpt of my manuscript); and uninterrupted time to think and write.
As a former nonprofit Executive Director, I know a tremendous amount of “invisibilia” goes into making a retreat like this happen. A huge hat tip to the staff and board and to Kate Moses for this creative collaboration. You brought together a diverse group of writers who walked onto the land as strangers and walked out as members of a collaborative creative community.” --Gabrielle Prisco, Brooklyn NY
What It’s Like to Work with Magalí:
“My own work with Magalí in various practices of healing, all of them trauma- and spirituality-informed, as well as our collaborative work as writers led to my realization that our expertise and strengths could complement each other in support of more women writers. Magalí’s belief that ‘our emotional healing can never be complete without spiritual development’ is in perfect alignment with my conviction that literary art- making is as much about the writer’s spiritual journey as it is about the journey of a story and its characters. With Magalí’s guidance I’ve been able to better understand my own journey as a writer and to put my challenges in service to my work, rather than let them remain obstacles.” --Kate Moses
“This group was one of the most helpful and profound experiences I’ve had since confronting the long hidden and silenced parts of my story. Being able to express myself and just be listened to with care and support was new for me.”
“I’ve been able to share experiences with my peers for the first time in my life and have found great connection and healing.”
“Working with Magalí provided community and understanding around many things that I struggled with for years. It gave me the strength and clarity to face things that felt like huge barriers to even knowing what healing could look like.”
“The raw, vulnerable sharing. It felt very personal, intimate and safe to share.”
“The structure that Magalí created is very trusting, caring, supportive and patient. I appreciate that they are vulnerable with us and that makes me feel less on display and more like we are moving through this together.”
“Most sessions left me feeling positive and energetic, which is really amazing for a counseling or trauma-focused activity.”