Details of Bookgarden 2025-26 will be announced in Spring 2025
B O O K G A R D E N :
A Year’s Sustenance for Women Writers
Annual Low Residency, Advanced Level Writing Program for Writers & Their Book Projects
Led by Kate Moses
LOW RESIDENCY PROGRAM ONLINE: October 2025 through October 2026
The Cohort of Bookgarden 1 (2018-19), now in their 6th year of working together
Women have a different kind of conversation when men aren’t around.
—Diane Wood Middlebrook
How much it takes to become a writer. Circumstances, time, development of craft—but beyond that: how much conviction as to the importance of what one has to say, one’s right to say it. And the will, the measureless store of belief in oneself to be able to come to, cleave to, find the form for one’s own life comprehensions. Difficult for any male not born into a class that breeds such confidence. Almost impossible for a girl, a woman.
—Tillie Olsen
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
—Maya Angelou
You don’t have to go it alone.
Bring your book project and your literary practice to full fruition in Bookgarden, a year-long program of sustained, one-on-one mentorship and Master Class-level craft curriculum created by an acclaimed writer, seasoned editor, and devoted & inspiring literary mentor, shared with an intimate cohort of like-minded literary artists.
Hone your work-in-progress, develop your technical expertise, and refine your inimitable artistic process over twelve months of online connection bookended by two full weeks as fall writers-in-residence at Craigardan, a nonprofit arts organization and educational working farm in New York State’s Adirondack Mountains. Craigardan brings people together for place-based and interdisciplinary learning, providing creative residencies, courses, and events that span diverse artistic and knowledge disciplines in order to foster curiosity, inquiry, and collaboration.
““I walked into my first Bookgarden residency identifying as a person who writes. One week later, I left knowing — and calling myself — a writer. The transformation was inner (as transformations tend to be.) It was catalyzed by learning and writing in community — and, in particular, being part of a supportive community of talented, generous, and multifaceted female writers. And it was guided and shaped by the brilliant Kate Moses. Kate is a literary midwife, moving with ease between fields of symbols, imagery, and craft, and shepherding her students through a process that begins with a deeper inner knowing, and ends with words that are richer, and stories that are better crafted.” ”

““Bookgarden has given me a community of women writers to support me on my writing journey. Mentored and nurtured by Kate, we four women came together in upstate New York for one of the most memorable residencies of my career. There we ate and laughed and cried, and listened to each other’s work at our nightly readings. We learned together. And even when our world was overtaken by the pandemic, our Bookgarden cohort held our own virtual residency that still let us join together to celebrate each of us, and help us realize our life work is now more important than ever. And to hold hope for the future when we can see each other again. Kate’s craft talks and readings, her individual attention to each writer’s work (through many, many online sessions!) have proved invaluable to helping me improve my book as I continue to shape it under her guidance. Bookgarden has given me exactly the support I need.””
The Program
Bookgarden participants devote a year to their book projects, writing and learning in community with an intimate group of dedicated women writers, guided from start to finish by the extraordinary literary mentor, Kate Moses.
The program opens and closes with week-long fall residency intensives, during which participating writers are both Craigardan artists-in-residence and participants in the Bookgarden program — Bookgardeners. From the first residency onward Kate provides writers with the structure, foundational philosophy, technical tools, editorial and professional expertise, and individualized guidance required to develop and sustain their artistic practices, cultivate their manuscripts, and nourish their artistic and professional development, with the goal of bringing projects to an advanced level of fruition (a full first draft, a revised draft, or meeting an individual goal) by program's end. During Residency 1, scheduled to coincide with the Adirondacks’ dramatic fall color, each writer works with Kate to create a goal for their Bookgarden year and a plan to reach that goal. Residency 1 is also an in-depth introduction to Kate and the cohort, a rich opportunity to get to know each writer in the group and their aspirations, talents, and challenges, and what they bring to the group’s shared experience.
Throughout the year, writers receive ongoing individual mentorship, including one-on-one access to Kate as needed in addition to monthly Zoom conferences in response to their manuscript submissions (a total of @360 pages over the year); writers receive extensive manuscript assessments, reading recommendations, tailored craft advice and other personalized input in conference, plus video & audio recordings and a conference transcription for every submission and its discussion. Writers also receive group mentorship from Kate in the form of Weekly Meeting video calls, during which writers keep each other up to date on their progress, share readings from their work (because who doesn’t love to be read to?), and become students of Bookgarden’s advanced craft & process curriculum, which prioritizes each writer’s emotional investment in their story, cultivating intuition and access to the subconscious, and the image as conveyor of meaning to the reader. Bookgarden teaches that technical craft is secondary to content -- the story's garments, not its life blood, as the late poet Linda Gregg would say. Monthly topics for discussion are curated to meet the particular needs and goals of the cohort, unpacked through seminar-style discussions of narrative elements, craft mechanics, and professional concerns, illustrated and supplemented by recommended texts, generative exercises, and input from notable guest writers and publishing professionals. Each week writers have the opportunity to participate in online Group Writes with their own cohort and Bookgarden alums, and there are numerous additional opportunities to take part in shared literary activities online and in person — readings, film watch parties, conferences, book launches — shared regularly by Kate throughout the year.
Limited to a maximum of 6 participants per cohort, our writers are selectively chosen for the quality of their writings, and our cohorts are carefully assembled for the writers’ complementarity and the likelihood that they will both energize and be energized by each other’s writing projects and writing practices. The Bookgarden program culminates after twelve months — once again syncing with the arrival of breathtaking Adirondack autumn — during a second residency at Craigardan focused with the input of the cohort: previous themes of Residency 2 have been the business of writing and publishing, generative revision, writing intensives, and peer teaching. Always, Residency 2 includes individual conferences with Kate and the sustenance of lasting fellowship among the members of the cohort.
Kate’s reading of the Bookgarden writers’ full manuscript drafts follows the second residency so as not to cut short the full twelve months of the program’s curriculum and individual mentorship. At the completion of their Bookgarden year, Bookgarden writers are encouraged to stay connected with their cohort and Kate through a Bookgarden Alum membership, which typically includes continued Weekly Meetings, Group Writes, and special-topic online retreats. Alums may opt to continue in individual mentorship with Kate at a special Bookgarden Rate. Finally, Bookgarden writers who complete & polish their final-draft manuscripts with Kate have the option of submitting their work directly through Birds & Muses to our stellar (and growing) list of partnering agents. While submission is not a guarantee of representation, it is a rare chance to side-step the typical “over the transom” submission process and receive the attention of noted industry professionals to your finished manuscript.
Unlike MFA programs and other independent manuscript development programs, Bookgarden is designed without the customary workshop model, which tends to place an unnecessary burden on the time and attention of writers, and can force them into tactical choices for their material when what the writers and their works-in-progress need is creative freedom, a delicate touch, and patience to develop. Instead of workshopping, we emphasize intuitive, generative, and organic development of works-in-progress supported by highly experienced literary mentorship and mutual peer encouragement, so that writers can keep their focus on their own writing project & practice throughout the program. Freed of the obligations of formal peer review, the cohort gets to know and trust each other through their shared experience during the first residency, when each writer introduces their project to the group and evenings culminate in writers reading their work to their curious, engaged, and interpersonally invested cohort.
How Curious, Engaged, and Invested?
The Bookgarden writers themselves were the instigators of weekly group meetings, thanks to their close relationships - it was the writers’ desire to have more continuity and contact with each other, to share accountability for their writing goals, and to continue to learn from each writer’s progress. These weekly meetings were so popular that we made them a cornerstone of the program, as fundamental to Bookgarden as reading to each other.
The 2018-19 Bookgarden cohort has elected to continue their tight connection with each other through a second, third, and fourth year together with Kate - an option open to all Bookgardeners through the Alum membership - even as some of the writers’ final manuscripts are now in submission to agents. The 2019-20 Bookgarden cohort planned a mid-year retreat because they missed each other too much to wait for their second fall residency; though their plans for a spring gathering at one writer’s rural home in northern California were dashed because of COVID-19, the mid-year retreat was held virtually nonetheless, including cocktail hour. The 2019-20 cohort has also continued into their third year together with Kate as alums. The 2020-21 cohort, our most recent alums, have started their first post-program year together with weekly peer teaching, and the full cohort will travel to Canada this summer for the wedding of one of their number. Members of Bookgardn ‘18-’19 and ‘19-’20 organized a writing intensive retreat for their two cohorts, and when all the Bookgardeners were offered the chance to spend a week together in-residence at Craigardan – completely separate from their Bookgarden programs – the available spaces filled in half an hour.
As a participant in Bookgarden, you can expect to build lasting connections with a handful of writers who get to know you and your work at a deep and meaningful level, relationships that will continue far beyond your year together as a cohort, and bely the idea of a writer’s life as a solitary endeavor.
Bookgarden's History and Purpose
Bookgarden is the signature program for Birds & Muses, launched in 2018 in collaboration with Craigardan. With the benefit of three decades of informally mentoring individual writers and their book projects, coupled with her experience as a professional editor, as the author of acclaimed and best-selling literary fiction and nonfiction, and as a teacher of writing in and out of academia, Kate designed Bookgarden as her ideal structure for expansive literary development with Craigardan’s expertise in creating a community of trusted peers.
Kate knew firsthand the incomparable value of having a literary cohort, peers who are as invested in your writerly success as you are in theirs, whose friendships and guidance are unyieldingly trustworthy, generous, and wise.
Bookgarden was thus designed to offer writers of literary book projects the intensive, intimate, and lasting mentorship that is Kate’s innate talent and specialty, coupled with a small-group experience of literary camaraderie that relies on carefully assessing the professional needs and personal styles & values of each participant, plus a craft curriculum that emphasizes the intuitive, subconscious, nearly ineffable elements of literary craft that most literary educational structures are not designed to teach, altogether resulting in the kind of creative and supportive crucible in which each individual’s literary alchemy can occur.
The Setting: Craigardan Residencies
The two week-long residencies take place on Craigardan’s new in-process campus. Residency seminars, group meetings, and individual conferences are held onsite, where participants also gather for meals prepared by staff from food grown on Craigardan’s farm, or made by one of the many food artisans in our local community.
Located in Elizabethtown in the heart of the Adirondacks, Craigardan’s 320-acre campus is surrounded by numerous mountains and hiking trails, a short drive from Lake Placid and the charming hamlets along Lake Champlain, and a ferry ride from Burlington, Vermont. Our interdisciplinary residency program designed within a working farm is the perfect setting for writers to gather, learn, and rejuvenate their practice.
Bookgarden Fees
Program Tuition: $10,900
$50 non-refundable application fee is due at the time of submission. Please pay online using the link below in Step One. This fee accounts for Craigardan and Kate’s time carefully processing and reviewing all applications.
Applicants who are accepted and enroll will be credited $50 toward their $500 deposit due upon enrollment.
The balance of program fees ($10,400) will be divided between 3 payments due: September 1st; January 1st; and April 1st.
Note: Beyond the non-refundable application fee, our payment preference is by check. While we do accept digital payments via debit or credit card, an additional 3% fee will be applied.
CANCELLATIONS: If an accepted applicant needs to cancel all or part of their participation in Bookgarden for any reason, we are only able to offer up to a 90% refund prior to the September 1st deadline. After the September 1st deadline, refunds are not available for payments made at subsequent deadlines.
Tuition includes:
12-months of literary mentorship with Kate Moses, including monthly 30-page manuscript submissions and individual conferences; online group curriculum including monthly craft seminars and conversations with guest writers; weekly cohort meetings and Group Writes; and a final full manuscript reading & evaluation with Kate following the ending residency in October 2024. You can expect:
- 170+ hours of group curriculum and instruction with Kate.
- 100+ hours of individual, focused attention on you and your work, including a minimum of 60+ hours devoted to one-on-one conferences.
- Ongoing private community space and access to your program archives.
Two 7-day in-person residencies at Craigardan including:
- Lodging in individual, private tiny cabins, designed as a very modern take on the Adirondack Lean-to with a short walk to the shared bath house.
- Shared living spaces on the main campus
- Access to all Craigardan programs, staff, and ongoing support.
- Local farm food: The kitchen is stocked with farm-fresh ingredients for self-serve breakfasts and snacks, and lunch and dinner are prepared by Craigardan staff from seasonal, local ingredients whenever possible.
- Full days of daily group seminars and individual conferencing with Kate; opportunities to hear from guest writers & speakers from the publishing industry; downtime to explore the beautiful Adirondacks; and a book bag filled with supplies for the residency and your home writing practice, including assigned books and other literary necessities.
Beginning Residency 1 at Craigardan: Monday October 16, 2023 - Monday, October 23, 2023
Ending Residency 2 at Craigardan: TBD Fall 2024
Following the Bookgarden year, the option of continuing individual mentorship with Kate in the Bookgarden program style, at the price of an Individual Mentorship ($5400/year), or Alum Membership only (online group curriculum, weekly cohort meetings, Group Writes) for a sliding-scale fee.
The option to submit your completed, polished book manuscript via Birds & Muses to our partnering Literary Agents. Note: While submission is not a guarantee of representation or publication, it is a choice opportunity to have a full manuscript reading by one or more highly regarded agents
Tuition does not include:
Airfare or other travel costs to in-person residencies, which must be arranged and paid separately by the participant. Craigardan is able to pick up residents for a flat-fee from the local Amtrak station (Westport), and bus stations (Keene, Keene Valley). Further guidance on travel will be included in informational materials provided to accepted applicants.
For optional pre-Bookgarden manuscript reading:
$5/page or 2¢/word
(Note: a full manuscript reading & assessment at the end of the year’s program is included in the Program Tuition; a pre-Bookgarden reading fee is for participants who wish to have a full or partial work-in-progress read prior to the start of the program)
Fellowships: Please Note Expanded Eligibility
Every year we award one Fellowship for enrollment in Bookgarden to a writer who is accepted into the program and could not otherwise attend due to financial constraints. The Fellowship covers 25% of program costs and a preliminary Manuscript Reading of 200 pages (if needed).
To be eligible, you must be accepted into the program; be a single mother; Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian; Disabled; or identify as LGBTQIA+. Expanded eligibility is available for 2023-2024 to include: Ukrainian women displaced by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; or those severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Bookgarden program applicants who indicate their intent to apply for a Fellowship will receive additional instructions upon acceptance.
Who Should Apply
Bookgarden is ideal for writers who are:
- Deeply committed to their own artistic development, and feel ready for advanced-level instruction, regardless of their previous training as writers
- Seeking the support and creative inspiration of a mentor who is devoted to their creative growth and professional success
- Invested in a long-form narrative book project of literary fiction (novel, novella, or short stories), memoir, topical creative nonfiction, lyric or personal essays, or a hybrid work of those forms
- Yearning for the creative energy and companionship of an engaged group of equally committed, talented peers
- Committed to the goal of traditional publication for their work, and intending to submit their manuscript to literary agents for representation
- In search of seasoned editorial assessment, ongoing & advanced technical guidance, accountability, and membership in a rigorous & sensitive community of serious writers
Participating writers may be at any stage of their project’s development, from a crystallizing idea to a full draft that needs refinement, and should be possessed of humility and generosity of spirit, a willingness to risk, and tenacity.
Appreciating Chef Luke Ayres for keeping the Bookgardeners ridiculously well fed.
““One of the many great things about Bookgarden is traveling with a small, tight-knit group of excellent writers. My smart and funny compatriots inspire me to stay on task and risk, writing what I must write. Kate is a book whisperer. One day when we were addressing an issue in my manuscript she jumped up and looked for a book on her shelf, pulled it down, and turned to page 55 for an example of what she was wanting to show me. She knows, she sees, she understands, and she has helped me sort through to the essence of what is important. Organization, structure, time, style, emotions, images - we explore, dig, and discover our challenges and our strengths. It has been a privilege to be a part of Bookgarden and I don’t want it to ever end.””
A late but hopeful participant
““If you want a teacher who will dig deep into the emotional and psychological landscape (and landfills) fueling your writing, then Kate is your mentor. Kate’s guidance through lessons and feedback help the writer evolve her story into literature. She works without judgement or negativity. During my first residency in the rambling house in upstate New York my small cohort built a cocoon of safety, inspiration and sisterhood that we took back home with us. We continue to meet online weekly. If you need a more traditional, rigid, stick-to-the-program format, Bookgarden may not be for you. But if you are looking to dig deep with warmth, understanding, and a damn good teacher, Kate is for you.””